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- RAG Poisoning: All You Need is One Document
RAG Poisoning: All You Need is One Document

As AI makes its way deeper into our day to day lives, a new risk uncovers itself. AI overreliance.
While AI is a great tool, bringing us precise answers to our questions. It is also, like any other tool or human out there, prone to make mistakes. These “mistakes” are known as AI hallucinations. The problem is, that LLMs such as ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude hallucinate so confidently that people actually believe them, just ask this Canadian lawyer who cited six non-existing cases in court because he used ChatGPT. But it’s not just that, people also trust AI so much that they don’t double check it, simply taking its answers as facts or absolute truths. And this is where a very big problem begins.
This problem becomes even more dangerous as AI makes its way into the enterprise. Products such as Microsoft Copilot are trusted to give you information from your emails, summarize important files, help you make decisions, and much more. The results of AI making mistakes here, when it comes to business specific information, can be disastrous. And if that wasn’t enough, apparently AI can be manipulated into making these mistakes with some very simple tricks.
This is where RAG poisoning comes in.
What Is RAG Poisoning
RAG poisoning is an attack on RAG based LLM applications which is meant to cause the application to answer with false or poisoned information. More specifically, the application will answer with information the attacker would want the victim to see instead of answering with the real information.
Let’s consider a case where an attacker wants to mislead a RAG based LLM application (for example Microsoft Copilot) into answering the question “who is the next CEO of Microsoft” with the answer “Tamir Sharbat”. This is a classic RAG poisoning case.
To achieve that the attacker will need to poison the application’s knowledge database with the false information. But just doing that wouldn’t be enough. The attacker also needs to make sure that when prompted with the target question (in our case “who is the next CEO of Microsoft”) the RAG system will retrieve the malicious file. And also ensure that the file’s contents will effectively trick the LLM into giving the target answer (in our case “Tamir Sharbat”)
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how given any target question and target answer, an attacker can craft a simple document that will trick the RAG application into answering the target question with the target answer. False as it may be.
The implications of this are vast and dangerous, especially in the business context. Just imagine what happens when someone asks about his latest assignments and gets misleading ones, or the last email he got from his boss and gets a confident false answer, or how much they should pay a certain vendor and get the wrong number.
Let your imagination run wild, the possibilities here are endless.
Now that we understand how powerful this attack can be. Let’s dive right into building our poisoned document.
Building a Poisoned Document
A good poisoned document serves 2 purposes:
It should be retrieved by the RAG application when prompted with the target question.
It should trick the RAG application into answering with our target answer.
Let’s see how we can do that
Achieving 1:
One thing you should know about RAG systems is that they retrieve data based on semantic similarity. So let’s say you ask a RAG system such as Microsoft Copilot for your meeting notes about “Project X” it will look for files that contain the words “Project X” in them, and use them as context when answering your query.
This begs the question, how do we craft a semantically similar text to any target question? Simply. The target question itself is 100% semantically similar to itself. Just start your document with the target question, problem solved. Now the RAG system will definitely retrieve our file.
Achieving 2:
After we made sure our file is part of the context, how can we craft the text effectively to trick the LLM into answering our question with the target answer?
Let’s remember that underneath every RAG application there’s a foundation model (such as ChatGPT or Claude). So why not just ask the model what context will it need to answer our question with the target answer? Yes, it’s that simple.
To simplify the process we crafted a CustomGPT to help us with our mission. Simply put, the GPT is given specific instructions to generate the coveted text for us. Our GPT will receive a target question and a target answer from the user, and will provide the user with a specifically crafted piece of text to achieve the RAG poisoning.
Here are the full instructions we gave our CustomGPT:
You're a GPT designed to help generate RAG contexts that when a RAG application is prompted with a specific question and the corpus as context it generates a specific answer.
This is my question: [question].
This is my answer: [answer].
Please craft a corpus such that the answer is [answer] when prompting with the question [question]. Please limit the corpus to [V] words.
The idea is that when I give the corpus you generated to another LLM (ChatGPT, Claude, Microsoft Copilot) as RAG context to a specific question it will give back the desired answer
Now that we know how to generate the document, let’s see what a RAG poisoning attack looks like in the wild. Using our favorite guinea pig, Microsoft Copilot.
Poisoning Microsoft Copilot
To set up the scenario let’s assume we’re a corrupt user named Jane Smith. Jane had a falling out with her co-worker Kris Smith recently and is looking to mislead him.
Jane’s goal is to trick Kris into thinking “Tamir Sharbat” has been announced as the next CEO of Microsoft, how would Jane do that? She’ll poison Kris’s Microsoft Copilot into answering with false information.
(Note: Jane could have been much more malicious, but we’ll save that for another time)
Let’s follow Jane as she unleashes her attack.
First, Jane chooses her target question “Who is the next CEO of Microsoft” and her target answer “Tamir Sharbat”
Second, Jane uses her CustomGPT to craft her poisoned document
Next, Jane creates a word file with a misleading name (“Microsoft Update”) that contains the poisoned text. And of course she doesn’t forget to prepend her target question into the malicious file before pasting the text in. (Making sure that her file is retrieved when Kris asks the anticipated question)
Now that the malicious file is ready, all Jane needs to do is share the file with Kris.
Since both are members in the same Entra ID tenant, Jane’s malicious file will be automatically taken into account when Copilot answers the question. Kris doesn’t even have to accept it. It is directly indexed into the search and therefore into Microsoft Copilot. (Remember that next time you give someone a guest user)
That’s it, Jane is done. Now let’s see what happens on Kris’s side.
Kris naively asks Copilot “who is the next CEO of Microsoft?” he is not even aware that Jane shared a file with him (Kris didn’t check his emails before talking to Copilot - poor Kris)
Here’s what Kris sees:
As we can see, Jane’s attack worked.
Copilot has explicitly stated that “Tamir Sharbat” is the next CEO of Microsoft! Horayy!
This attack is not perfect though, notice how Copilot shows the user where the information came from. And if we look closely we can also see that Jane is the author of the file. This might raise some questions.
In the next blogs we’re gonna dive into perfecting this attack, misleading naive users much more effectively and covertly, into making much bigger and more fatal mistakes.
Let the hacking begin.